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- Click here to add this entry to the list.
- Click here to cancel without making any changes.
- Enter a name for this serivce to use in the service list.
- This field holds up to 51 characters of text.
- This field is required.
- TeleFinder will dial the service using the phone number you provide in this field.
- Enter up to 47 digits in this field.
- Enter your logon name in this field.
- This field holds up to 31 characters of text.
- You can save your password in this field.
- Your password can be up to 9 characters long for TeleFinder systems.
- This fields holds up to 31 characters of text.
- This is the first set of commands sent to the modem.
- This is the second set of commands sent to the modem.
- TeleFinder initializes the modem using the baud rate you select here.
- TeleFinder will send a “Break” signal to the modem before it sends the modem strings.
- This option is often used with Telebit‚Ñ¢ modems.
- Turn this option on for modems that require a “Break” signal prior to modem initialization.
- This option is often used with Telebit‚Ñ¢ modems.
- TeleFinder will adjust the serial port speed to match the modem’s “Connect message” speed.
- Turn this option off to use a “locked” port speed.
- Select the serial port flow control from this menu.
- The flow control setting must be consistent with the modem strings and modem cable.
- Hardware handshake requires a special cable.
- TeleFinder will send modem strings at human entry speed.
- TeleFinder will send modem strings at full computer speed.
- TeleFinder will attempt to connect to this service using the full graphics interface.
- Turn this option off if the service is a traditional terminal host.
- TeleFinder will use the terminal window with this service.
- Turn this option on if this service is a TeleFinder Group Edition BBS or TeleFinder Pro Remote Access Host.
- This is dimmed because the service is not a TeleFinder Host.
- Turn this option on if the service is a TeleFinder BBS.
- Turn this option off if the service is a TeleFinder Pro remote access host.
- TeleFinder will use a fixed port speed during modem connections.
- Turn this option on to use a variable port speed.
- Click in this button to link a logon macro to this service.
- TeleFinder will run the commands in the macro after the modem make a connection.
- This is dimmed because the service is a TeleFinder Host.
- You do not need logon macros to connect with TeleFinder Hosts.
- This shows the modem that these settings should be used with.
- Settings that end with “-HH” require a hardware handshake modem cable.